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Freaks and Weirdos!

Here are some of my friends that I hang out with.

My Friends

Jim.... What can I say about Jim? Well for one, he can stick to walls. He is a good friend and I can't wait to kill him numerous times with a lightsaber. Go Spiderman!

Jamie.... I miss the fact that her and I never get to talk on the phone anymore but that doesn't change the fact that she is one of my best friends. She is easy to get along with and is one of the sweetest girls on earth! Love ya!

Megan.... Megan was one of the people that I spent the entire summer at GSW with. She has turned out to be someone that I have stayed close to even though we live two hours away from each other. She came to see me in LMAT. I hope to get to see her again soon.

Stephanie.... This chick knows a lot a me. We hang out a lot when I am in Charlotte. I have seen her change...well... A lot!!! She is a good friend and I can tell her anything. She wears a lot of weird clothes. Who knew that fur coats were in style again( OK... so it is a faux fur. I don't care. It is still funny)?!?!

Rhonda.... I met Rhonda my freshman year and we have been good friends ever since we started talking to me. She will always be my favorite spot light girl!

Spoon and the Gang....Well I was given two weeks to put Spoon on the site or I would die a slow, painful death. I decide to put him up with rest of the gang because...well...they are always together. Spoon is a cool guy and so it Pins, JarJar, Rick, Roy, Nick, and all the others. Put your windshield wipers on Christopher Reeves.

Meredith....She and are really good friends. I hope that we remain friends despite things that have changed between us.

...and then there was...

IAN!.... Well Ian and I were "Mafia Partners in Crime" this whole Summer at Governor's School. I was having a hard time there because I knew that I would have to come home and helped me to get over it. I will never forget my "FREE MEAL" at Daryll's on my birthday! I miss ya Bud! Kiki Riki!